A small introductory video

Waste Circology Pty Ltd was founded in 2020 by Joseph Taouk in response to his vast experience in building, construction and in the Waste Disposal Industry. He recognised that an environmentally-friendly waste processing method is a clean alternative to conventional, widespread landfill waste management and large-scale waste incineration.

To meet this challenge, he has assembled a talented team of civil and mechanical engineers in Sydney, with consultants from Sydney University, Monash University Melbourne University, Murdoch University Perth, and the Institution of Geomechanics Germany. Joseph and his team have invented and patented a reactor that converts almost any type of organic waste through a process of organic Carbonisation System OCS

What is Carbonisation?

Waste Circology’s Organic Carbonisation System (OCS) is a closed, zero-emissions process that transforms organic solid waste into a rich char-carbon compound. This process reduces organic feedstock to its basic carbon constituency. The OCS process developed by Waste Circology is based on two main parameters: 1. Utilising high temperature in an inert atmosphere, and 2. Excerpting pressure of 10 bars, with a patented catalytic design.

Our technology – innovation in waste reduction and repurposing

What kind of waste can be treated?

A wide range of physical materials and chemical substances can be processed using Waste Circology’s OCS process. This included many kinds of organic matter, municipal solid waste, hospital solid waste, expired drugs, human waste and blood. – anything with an organic component. OCS provides consistently good results using shredded car tyres as a feedstock.

Waste Circology’s OCS plant has processed a wide range of these organic materials, in a series of controlled and extensive trials using a variety of parameters that replicate a plethora of environmental circumstances that impact on the feedstock . These trials have reduced the processing time to less than 10 minutes per batch

How we can assist you to reduce your waste and Carbon footprint

Environmental benefits through the implementation of Waste Circology’s Organic Carbonisation System (OCS)

The environmental benefits of the implementation of Waste Circology’s ocs processes are not confined to the processing of organic waste only. The patented combustion-free, zero-emissions process, turns all types of organic waste – that would otherwise become landfill – into high-purity char that has many environmental and industrial applications.

This char can be a significant commercial by-product of Waste Circology’s OCS Processes. According to the Climate Foundation ”Biochar (biological charcoal) draws carbon from the atmosphere, providing a carbon sink on agricultural lands. Biochar is biologically unavailable, sequestering fixed carbon in the soil for centuries to millennia, providing a tool to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Biochar also reduces the need for fertilizers and raises agricultural productivity in marginal soils”. https://www.climatefoundation.org/land-carbon-sequestration-biochar.html